to grow

Our Mission

Our mission? Simple. A greener future fueled by design. By actively integrating plants into architectural and interior design we can create spaces where health, wholeness and growth are a priority. By Greenfitting a space, one can freely grow any plant and any amount of plants wherever they choose, allowing them to create a vibrant lush and fulfilling environment in a world in our increasingly walled and synthetic daily lives

The Science

Plants and natural daylight may provide immediate as well as long-term health benefits including decreased levels of depression and anxiety. Based on research, several guidelines have been proposed to incorporate natural daylight into the built environment. Natural daylight in the workplace may improve attention, mood, and overall well-being. Daylight, including both diffuse or indirect light that filters through windows, as well as artificial lighting that mimics natural daylight.



  • New Development Units
  • Urban Residential Development
  • Structured Living
  • Private Residences


  • Offices
  • Retail Shops
  • Modular Add-on units to Office Furniture
  • Restaurants + Bars


  • Colleges + Universities
  • Public k-12 Institutions
  • Private k-12 Institutions
  • Municipal Buildings, Libraries, Museums